Daily Archives: April 16, 2014

Day 51 – Ironing Progress


Day 51 – Who loves ironing clothes ? Not me. Tonight though I had to test if my steam iron still works. I got a super wrinkled shirt and gave it a go. While it is not as crisp and wrinkle free as A’s shirts (he is the Ironman!!), I’m still quite happy with the result. Practice makes perfect so there’s the chance to get better… Or I can simply hang clothes right after I take them out of the dryer. The latter seems like a better choice for the domestic goddess wannabe.


Day 50 – Dave Matthews Band Live


Day 50 – I played third wheel and watched the Dave Matthews Band concert with R & K. Truth be told, I only know two DMB songs and I stuck around to hear them play Satellite. Unfortunately, I was too tired to stay on and wait for them to play Crash Into Me. I would have crashed on the floor!

Being able to watch what K said was one of those concerts you really have to see live is the fact that the tickets were on sale! I get a kick out of paying less all the time. Cheapskate you say ? Hahahaha!
