Daily Archives: April 18, 2014

Day 53 – Staycation Diaries Part1


Day 53 – This is my first Holy Week spent in a staycation. Saving up for long trips later in the year and a shortage of leaves have led to this. While friends back home update their fb status with trips and most of my Sydney family fly off to Asia, A and I were faced with a relaxed, plan-free long weekend. I can’t complain. Days dabbling in the art of doing nothing seem like as good an idea as any.

Much of the day was spent indoors. The biggest challenge was cooking sweet and sour pork from scratch. No ready mix sauce and even tomato sauce had to be made from scratch. The result was splendid, I must say. How’s that for my journey into domestic goddesshood ?!!!

It was time for some exercise by early evening. A walk to Circular Quay to watch “The Grand Budapest Hotel” fit the bill. Walking back home served to burn off the tub of popcorn I ate while watching the movie. Ahhh such joy when things all fall into place.

I am getting the hang of enjoying life’s simple pleasures. Contentment seems to come naturally for me lately… An answered prayer! I can dwell on what I don’t have, what I want but cannot afford but I’ve been choosing to enjoy what I have been blessed with – time to do something, anything or nothing at all — among other blessings.
